One Year Anniversary

I can't believe it's been exactly one year since I started the Lukas Guides newsletter!!!
When I look back over the range of fascinating topics we've covered in the past year, I am super proud of this project. We have talked about Mt. St. Helens, third eyes, anal combs, and so much more!

A year ago, I started this newsletter for a simple reason: I wanted to find a way to connect with people, and to share what I was learning about the natural world.

My driving passion is to be outside every day—observing nature and taking notes—but the reality is that this only works if I can make a living from what I learn when I'm in nature. To that end, I've written many books and magazine articles, and led many nature walks and talks, but those projects are few and far between and it can take months or years between having an idea and then presenting that idea in front of audiences.

To my surprise, the newsletter has become an amazing way to connect and talk with everyone, and I absolutely love the quick turnaround of this format. I can go on a walk, have some ideas or insights, take some notes and photos; then come home, do a bunch of research, and share what I've discovered the very next day!

This means that my ideas are fresh and exciting, the feedback and conversations are immediate, and I am continually being filled with new energy and excitement.

Something else I've discovered over the past year is that carrying a camera and using photos to help tell my stories is very powerful. This has completely changed how I walk and see the world around me, and I am incredibly honored every time I capture a photo that people respond to.

But all of this is only possible because of you!
Everyone who follows the newsletter is the heart and soul of this effort, and I appreciate every click, comment, and contribution because I can't do this alone.

So, at this one-year mark, I want to check in and see how we're doing. What do you like about the newsletter? Is there anything else you'd like to see me do in the next year?

I'm always wondering what else I can offer you, and I welcome your feedback. I'm considering things like making nature videos, offering Zoom presentations, or selling items such as calendars, photos, or booklets on different topics. Would this interest you, or is the newsletter enough?

I feel bad that I'm always asking folks to upgrade to a paid subscription, but paid subscriptions are how I sustain this effort, and every single contribution makes a huge difference. Fortunately, the newsletter is earning a bit of money and growing, so that's been very encouraging, but it's not fully sustainable yet.

Over the next year, I'm looking forward to covering many fascinating topics. My dream is that at some point I can travel more widely and explore new topics in places I visit. But, for the time being, I'm focused on building a solid foundation for the newsletter, and I appreciate that you're joining on this marvelous adventure!

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